The SEHR Project

to manage patient records like the patient...
    ...everywhere and everytime!

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 Welcome to the Downloads

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project site

Institute for

Economics and Telematics

 in Healthcare (IFETH)


c/o J-MED C&D Ltd.

39/40 Calthorpe Road

B15 1TS Birmingham

United Kingdom

Currently there are no final downloads for production systems available. The project becomes OpenSource for a couple of month and there are a lot of modules still in development and testing. If you are interested to become an early adaptor you are welcome to send us a mail. The modules of SEHR are partially in use at some GP's and hospital locations but the project is defined as ALPHA status due to ongoing specification and prototyping work.
Your SEHR developer team 


Downloads/Areas of Interest for Developers
CVS Repository CVS managed sources for developers
3rd party Libraries (jars)
[zip] [dependency list]
These »libs are required for the development of modules. Place the unpacked files from »zip-archive into the 'lib' path of each SEHR module workspace on your »EclipseTM project environment. Finally add the jars as 'external jar' to the build classpath of »EclipseTM using the project properties settings;
updated 2005-05-16
This library contains basic functions accessing the SEHR host by GUI/WEB orientated Java clients.
Current functions are:
  • connection management to a SEHR host
  • data beans for retrieving, sending (storing) patient and administrative data
  • user management including authentication, mailing and getting services which is the user allowed to use

Download and copy the sehr-api.jar into the 'lib' path of your SEHR module development environment; The documentation is available »online and enclosed in the jar file.

Downloads for Setting Up a SEHR Service / Healthcare Community Service
Server Modules
(see top site mote)
  • SEHR Core Module (field trials in progress) [screenshot]
    The main setup and update package containing the core and administration module to build a SEHR server
  • SEHR WEB Desktop (Calendar, Notebook, News) [screenshot]
  • SEHR Messaging Service (Mail, Facsimile) [screenshot]
  • SEHR Laboratory Services Module (functional staging in progress)
  • SEHR IC - Integrated Care Module (work in progress)
    Patientfile and Healthrecording for Integrated Care
Client Modules
  • SEHR Dialer ** updated ** [screenshot] [zip 321k]
    The dialer currently supports the RAS of WIN98, WIN NT, W2k and WIN XP. The dialer was build to let users of SEHR healthnetworks access their communities by dial-up connections. The dialer didn't use the WINDOWS registration, has no install process (just unpack the zip-file and run the exe). No administration rights are required to setup and run the SEHR dialer if it is stored within the user profile.


Page updated 2005-04-19

(C)2004-2006 The SEHR project team.